Set Up Your Own


Organize your business comprehensively and manage it effortlessly.

In 6 weeks.

Workanizers provides you with the tools and work environment where you will build, save, nurture, and continuously improve your Management System.

Your Management System should serve as a comprehensive platform where you can build organizational infrastructure and effortlessly manage everyday operational tasks.

We are committed to making “EFFORTLESS MANAGEMENT” your daily reality, unlocking your full professional potential and boosting overall team productivity.

Workanizers simplifies complexity and focuses on achieving results without getting bogged down in the minutiae.

You Will Be in Control of
Key Managerial Functions:

Workanizers organizational tools

are your secret weapon

Workanizers equips you with all you need in one place:

You will get a framework to build your own Management System. This is the initial structure featuring 15 specific managerial functions.
It provides a pre-made environment for faster development of your Management System. So you don’t need to start from scratch.

There are 15 software tools and templates, each designed for a specific managerial function. These tools are essential for building, improving, repairing, and maintaining the Management System.

On the other hand, we also use them to manage daily operations.

You will receive step-by-step instructions. They guide you through building and implementing the specifics of your business into an effective Management System in just six weeks.
And you can rely on our support whenever you need it.

What do you want to do?

Is there a part of your business that you want to see perform better?
  • Optimize and correct problematic areas.
  • Improve daily management in specific departments.
Undertake fast, efficient optimization and improve performance with the simplified implementation of Workanizers and our expert guidance.

Elevate your entire organizational infrastructure and management by setting up your own management system.

  • Enhance your organizational infrastructure for smoother operations.
  • Implement a comprehensive set of managerial functions  across your management team.

Discover how to holistically improve your business and effortlessly manage everyday operational tasks with our expert guidance.

How do we achieve this?

Download the Framework

Download the initial framework of the Management System, which comprises 15 managerial functions.

Integrate the Specifics of Your Business

Incorporate the unique aspects of your business into the framework using software organizational tools.

Your Management System is Ready

Your authentic Management System, tailored to the specific needs of your business, is now established.

Start 6-Week Integration Program

This 6-week program guides managers step-by-step in integrating business specifics into a 15-function Management System, ensuring seamless management and successful achievement of goals.

6-Week Onboarding Program​

Modal Title

Utilize the Expert Assistant

For a Quick Start of the Management System

The Expert Assistant accompanies you, providing guidance and support during the six-week setup period so that you can begin effectively using the Management System as soon as possible.

For Full-Capacity Operational Management

The Expert Assistant remains by your side, aiding in the rapid development of the management team’s professional skills for operational management at full capacity.

Which Businesses Can Use Workanizers?

It works for businesses of all sizes and types, from small teams to large enterprises in manufacturing or service industries. It is designed to align closely with typical business practices, ensuring a smooth adoption process.

Who Can Benefit from Workanizers?

Workanizers is software for professionals, including entrepreneurs, managers, and team leaders. Its user-friendly interface and intuitive features allow users to use it daily, even without prior expertise.


Start with the free plan, and you’ll get access to your five key processes without a time limit and for an unlimited number of users.

1. Get Workanizers

© Workanizers ​2024

11 rue d’Israel,
13308 Marseille,

135 Division Street,
New York, NY 10002, 

Identify weaknesses in your company's organization.

Conduct a free online Self-Analysis.

Business Model:

The Business Model is essentially a master plan that describes how your business creates value for customers better than the competition and generates revenue.

It is important for organizing because it determines how our business goals and the base of the organizational infrastructure should look.


Goals are clearly defined outcomes that everyone in the company works towards.

They are a crucial starting point when building organizational infrastructure (such as processes and procedures). If your goals changes, you must develop other processes and procedures to achieve them.

Organizational Model:​

The Organizational Model represents your business’s elementary process structure, the foundation for all other business processes and procedures. It is a bridge between your strategy and business operations.

Processes and procedures:

Processes and procedures are documents that store valuable knowledge about the best practices for getting the job done.

Management Team:

By assigning several different but clearly defined management roles to each management member, it is possible to build a small and efficient management team.

Workforce Alignment:

Finding the right person for the right task implies assessing how well an individual’s knowledge, experience, skills, and personal characteristics align with the requirements for executing specific tasks.

Plans & Reports:

Plans are essential for translating business ideas and goals into actionable tasks and, thus, for accurately creating processes. You cannot have plans for which there are no processes for realization.

Reports provide a clear overview of a specific topic and present a snapshot of our business activities.

Task Management:

At the end of the day, it all comes down to properly executing individual tasks, thus achieving results and realizing plans, goals, strategies, and business ideas.

Task management involves planning, launching, and controlling daily activities in real-time for efficient completion. 


Efficient problem-solving means permanently solving problems and their root causes so that the same problems do not recur.


We must constantly look for ways to do things better. Gather and implement ideas from all team members to enhance performance, productivity, and profitability.

Evaluation and Incentives:

The right reward and recognition at the right time can drive employee performance and benefit the company.


Ensuring timely reporting is essential for keeping track of business progress or performance and alerting to any potential issues.

Strategy revising:

Adapt to even the slightest changes in the market and customer behavior so that the business does not become obsolete and the competition does not knock you down.

Organization Update:

When business circumstances change, the strategy must adapt, which leads to a slew of corresponding changes in the organizational infrastructure.

Cross-Process Coordination:

Cross-process coordination ensures different parts of the company work together smoothly.

Ask a Question

Feel free to ask anything.

We are here to help.

What is a fundamental Management System?

A fundamental Management System is an organized business environment where all business activities are carried out. It is built around 15 core functions, each with its corresponding tools. These core functions are common in business and are easily understood.

They are briefly indicated here.

Business activities are carried out through “processes and procedures” that must align with the “business concept” and “goals” of the company. They should be based on the company’s “organizational model,” where “managerial roles” are clearly defined, and the abilities and motivation of “employees” are aligned with goals. Attention is paid to “plans and reporting” to achieve goals and monitor progress.

These seven functions constitute the so-called organizational infrastructure of business, representing the first half of your Management System.

The other half consists of eight core functions, giving ultimate meaning to the fundamental Management System and ensuring the smooth operation of daily business activities.

Achieving business goals requires daily “task management,” a “problem-solving” feature to prevent issues, and an “improvement” feature for employee-driven enhancements.

It is essential to regularly “evaluate and reward” staff and maintain a timely “reporting” feature for informed outcomes.

Integral management aligns operations with goals through “strategy revising,” “updating organization,” and ensuring “cross-processual coordination” for seamless operations.

As mentioned, all these core functions are well-known and common in business. If any are missing, we need to create them or revitalize the existing ones, transforming them into our own management system that matches the specifics of our business.

Organizational Infrastructure

Organizational infrastructure represents the first half of your Management System. We use it as an infrastructure for the company’s daily operations.

Organizational infrastructure is comparable to a city’s extensive network of streets, squares, bridges, tunnels, signage, road markings, traffic lights, and driving regulations. Just as a city’s efficient traffic flow relies on well-designed and maintained infrastructure, smooth business operations depend on a robust organizational infrastructure.

Workanizers identify 7 core functions of organizational infrastructure and provide an initial structure, specialized tools and a blueprint to set it up.

  1. Business Model
  2. Goals
  3. Organizational Model
  4. Processes and Procedures
  5. Management Team
  6. Workforce Alignment
  7. Plans & Reports

In the first step, you will establish your own special organizational infrastructure.

Strategers tools

With Strategers tools, you build a bridge between your strategy and business operations. This group of tools belongs to the organizational infrastructure sub-system.

The organizational infrastructure must be well-planned, ensuring it matches your specific business model and achieves your business goals, not someone else’s.

With Strategers tools, you will articulate the company’s business idea concisely, set goals, and translate them into a strategic foundation that outlines its primary process structure. This strategic foundation is called the company’s Organizational Model. It is a base for building the entire organizational structure and operations.

Strategers tools include:

  1. Biz Modeler tool
    for Business Model function,
  2. Goal Maker tool
    for the Goals function,
  3. Org Modeler tool
    for the Organizational Model function.

Biz Modeler tool

for the Business Model function

  • Are you confident that your current business organization is 100% capable of achieving your business goals?
  • How can you establish a target-oriented business organization that will succeed if the ideas about customers, products, and services, and competition are unclear?

The Business Model helps us set the direction and goals of our business and determines the model of what our organizational infrastructure should look like to achieve these goals.

In short, a business model is an articulated business idea that describes which products and services, to which segment of customers, we offer more successfully than the competition.

The Biz Modeler tool makes it easier and faster to articulate your business idea into a business model.

Starting with a brief description of the business and financial idea, followed by a description of our product and service in relation to the chosen customer segments and competition, we highlight our key activities and resources that will ensure a competitive advantage. Finally, we assess our business’s strengths and weaknesses.

The Biz Modeler’s advantage is that it enables streamlining several different offers and customer segments into a single business model using the separation and synergy module.

Goal Maker tool

for the Goals function

  • How can you ensure that everyone is working towards the same objectives if there are no clearly defined goals?
  • Does your organizational infrastructure facilitate the achievement of business goals, or hinder them?

Using goals is a simple and highly effective way to manage business. 

Utilize the Goal Maker tool to break down your main goals into operational objectives and assign key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor progress toward achieving them. 

Goals are a crucial starting point when building your organizational infrastructure (such as processes and procedures). If your goal changes, you must develop other processes and procedures to achieve it.

Org Modeler tool

for the Organizational Model function

  • Is your organizational infrastructure designed to really support the achievement of your business goals?
  • How can you expect to be successful in business when your organization is knocked together using some obsolete practice?

The Organizational Model represents your business’s elementary process structure. This structure is the foundation for all further business processes and procedures.

Org Modeler is a tool that initially simplifies the structure of processes and procedures and, thus, daily management. For this, it is recommended to use the Hub concept, which implies dividing the process into:

1. Production processes,
2. Hub processes,
3. Customer processes.

Constructors tools

Constructors tools are a group of tools designed to build an agile organizational infrastructure, including:

  1. Processor & Tasker tool
    for Processes and Procedures function,
  2. Teamer tool
    for Management Team function,
  3. Doers tool
    for Workforce Alignment function,
  4. Plans & Reports tool.

Processor & Tasker tool

for the Processes and Procedures function

  • Do your employees constantly have to reinvent the wheel when performing some tasks? Or are they doing it incorrectly again?
  • How can employees deliver consistency, efficiency, and quality in their daily work without insight into the company’s best practices collected in processes and procedures?

Processes and procedures are documents that store valuable knowledge about the best practices for getting the job done.

You will receive instructions on how processes should be constructed and broken down into individual tasks through sequences and TaskPacks. Their results interconnect all of them in a complex network. 

A TaskPack is a distinct way of grouping tasks that facilitates and accelerates day-to-day work by reducing the manipulation from thousands to a few hundred tasks.

The Dependencies module provides a powerful graphical representation of all those connections and identifies the errors that must be corrected.

Teamer tool

for the Management Team function

  • Have you ever noticed that the management team is overloaded or that their scope of responsibility is unclear to them?
  • How can you expect to achieve your business objectives without clear managerial roles and responsibilities?

By assigning each management member several managerial roles for which they are trained, it is possible to build a small (but efficient) management team.

This is one of the primary advantages of using Workanizers. For example, in smaller businesses, there are only two people; in medium businesses, there are about 5-6; and in larger businesses, there are about 10.

The Teamer tool is a straightforward tool that enables us to assign each member several managerial roles, each with its own set of duties and responsibilities.

The management team includes the following managerial positions:

  1. Profit Leader,
  2. Top Manager,
  3. Process Manager,
  4. Supervisor.

Doers tool

for the Workforce Alignment function

  • Have you ever faced challenges in finding the right person for the right task?
  • How much time and resources are wasted when employees are not engaged according to their abilities?
  • Without a clear understanding of your employees’ strengths and capabilities, how can you maximize their potential and drive productivity?

Doers are employees selected and trained to carry out the tasks previously defined using the “Processor & Tasker” tool.

Finding the right person for the right task implies assessing how well an individual’s knowledge, experience, skills, and personal characteristics align with the requirements for executing specific tasks.

Furthermore, the tool helps develop structured employee incentive programs.

Plans & Reports tool

  • Have you ever tried to achieve a goal without first having a plan for how to do it? … You shouldn’t.
  • Have you ever been caught off guard by a late report or missing information on a report?
  • How can you make informed decisions without accurate and timely data?

Plans are essential for translating business ideas and goals into actionable tasks and, thus, for accurately creating processes.

We cannot have plans for which there are no processes for realization.

On the other hand, reports provide a clear overview of a specific topic and present a snapshot of our business activities.

Both enable us to understand our responsibilities and achievements and determine whether they align with our goals.

Using the Plans & Reports tool and templates is crucial for systematizing plans and reports and making them more manageable.

Operational Management

Operational management comprises the other half of your Management System.

It is characterized by its necessity to operate within the previously established organizational infrastructure of the business. It does not yield effective results on its own.

Operational management is akin to managing the flow of a large number of participants in traffic—enabling drivers with cars, buses, trucks, and others to navigate efficiently and arrive on time by utilizing the available infrastructure.

Here, Workanizers identify 8 core functions and provide an initial structure, specialized tools, and instructions to manage daily operations.

  1. Task Management
  2. Problem-Solving
  3. Improvements
  4. Evaluation and Incentives
  5. Reporting
  6. Strategizer domains update
  7. Constructors domains update
  8. Cross-process coordination

After setting up your organizational infrastructure, you can manage your day-to-day workflows within it.

Operators tools

This group of tools belongs to the Operational Management subsystem and is used to manage and control day-to-day business operations, ensuring the company delivers the desired results.

Operators tools cover the following core functions:

  1. Arena tool
    for Task Management function,
  2. Problem Box tool
    for Problem-Solving function,
  3. Idea Box tool
    for Improvements function,
  4. Incentives Box tool
    for Evaluation and Incentives function,
  5. Report Box tool
    for Reporting function.

Arena tool

for the Task Management function

  • Have you ever been swamped by a massive number of tasks or projects that you need to manage simultaneously?
  • Without real-time coordination and control, how can you ensure every task is executed efficiently and on time?

At the end of the day, it all comes down to properly executing individual tasks, thus achieving results and realizing plans, goals, strategies, and business ideas.
Arena is a tool for Process Managers that allows them to plan, launch, and control the execution of employee tasks in real-time. It is determined here:

  1. Who performs the task,
  2. What needs to be done,
  3. When it will be completed, and
  4. Whether the task was completed.
This is known as coordination. The Arena tool provides information on who is working on which task, for how long, whether there are any issues, and whether an intervention is required.

Problem Box tool

for the Problem-Solving function

  • How often do recurring problems disrupt your operations?
  • Without a systematic approach to problem-solving, how can you ensure that issues are truly resolved and not just temporarily patched?

Efficient problem-solving means permanently solving problems and their root causes so that the same problems do not recur.

The importance of systematically collecting problems, then discovering and analyzing the causes, and solving the problem itself is often overlooked.

Solving problems with the Problem Box tool is extremely efficient and fast. Problems are solved using templates according to a pre-prepared algorithm.

Improvement Box tool

for the Improvements function

  • Are you utilizing the collective intelligence of your organization? It’s free and very powerful.
  • Without a platform to gather and implement improvement ideas, how can you improve and stay ahead of the competition?

Improvements are changes or modifications that businesses make to adapt to new circumstances, avoid threats, or capitalize on market opportunities. 

They can also help enhance the existing organizational infrastructure’s performance, productivity, and profitability.

With Improvement Box tools and templates, you can collect ideas for improvements proposed by any team member and implement them.

Incentives Box tool

for the Evaluation and Incentives function

  • How motivated are your employees to give their best?
  • Without rewarding at the right time, how can you drive performance and ensure that top performers are recognized?

The right reward and recognition at the right time can drive employee performance and benefit the company.

Previously, using Doers tools and templates, you created an incentive program for Doers (Employees). Here, with the Incentive Box tool, you will regularly evaluate the work of Doers and then reward them according to your incentive program.

Therefore, the Incentive Box tool deals with the following activities:

  • Evaluation of the Doer’s performance,
  • Delivery of incentives to the Doer.

Report Box tool

for the Reporting function

  • Have you ever been stuck at work because you are missing important information?
  • Why was the information not in the report? And, in fact, there is still no report.

Ensuring timely reporting is essential for keeping track of business progress or performance and alerting to any potential issues.

Previously, you systematized reports using the Plans & Reports tool and templates. Here, with the Report Box tool and templates, you will ensure the generation and distribution of reports to team members on time.

Neuro Calendars tools

It is important to regularly maintain and update the organizational infrastructure to align with current business goals and remain functional. All operational activities should work together seamlessly and be synchronized across different processes.

Neuro Calendars offers tools that address these core functions of business management:

  1. Re-Strategizer tool
    for Strategizer function update,
  2. Re-Constructor tool
    for Constructors function update,
  3. Start-Ops tool
    for Cross-process coordination.

Re-Strategizer tool

for the Strategy Revising

  • Have you ever been caught off guard by subtle changes in customer demand that begin to slow down your sales?
  • How often do you pay attention to whether your business strategy is no longer aligned with the current business environment?
  • Without regular evaluation and adjustment, how can you ensure that your organization remains agile and responsive to evolving business conditions?

You remember the Covid-19 pandemic as a significant shift. However, many subtle changes in customer behavior, competitor offers, and shifts in market perceptions of our products and services, along with other business circumstances, usually occur slowly and subtly. They become apparent only when it’s too late.

As a result, the business is forced to react quickly, which is often incompatible with the existing organizational infrastructure.

We use a Re-Strategizer to avoid any potential issues with our business model, goals, and organizational structure. This tool helps us regularly assess whether these core functions are still appropriate for our current business circumstances. If needed, we can adjust and harmonize them to provide clear guidelines for necessary changes in our organizational infrastructure based on the new situation.

Re-Constructor tool

for the Organization update

  • Have you noticed inefficiencies or misalignments in your organizational infrastructure?
  • As your business grows, how do you ensure your organizational infrastructure keeps up with business needs and is kept in top shape?

Once the business is well organized and has a Management System, it quickly becomes clear that this is not enough. It’s just a starting point.

When business circumstances change, the strategy must adapt, which leads to a slew of corresponding changes in the organizational infrastructure. 

This implies the necessity of regularly checking and correcting the consistency and adequacy of our organizational infrastructure.

This is where the Re-Constructor tool comes in. It reminds us to keep our current organizational infrastructure in top shape.

Start-Ops tool

for Cross-Process coordination

  • Ever faced bottlenecks or conflicts in daily operations due to unsynchronized tasks?
  • How can you ensure seamless coordination across various processes and teams?
  • Without efficient synchronization, how can you maximize productivity and ensure smooth operations?

To ensure seamless coordination across different processes and teams, you should coordinate the activities of process managers.

In everyday business, managers and employees perform hundreds of tasks at the same time. Problems arise when these tasks are not mutually synchronized, especially between different processes and their managers. In order to ensure the overall coordinated initiation and execution of tasks in different processes, it is necessary to coordinate the activities of process managers.

The Start-Ops tool enables the comprehensive connection and synchronization of daily business activities across the entire company.

Slash Work Time by 30%

Workanizers can help streamline your workflow, making it easier to manage and achieve your business goals more efficiently. 

However, you can be more ambitious and organize your work in such a way as to reduce the time required to complete work tasks by 30%. 

This will result in significant savings in terms of both money and resources. You can then allocate these savings towards business expansion or use them to reduce tension and consolidate your operations. 

Give it a try, and rely on us to guide you in achieving that success.

We Can Guarantee Success

Phrases such as “effortless management,” “workflows glide smoothly and management feels like a breeze,” or “effortless workflows” are not just empty marketing slogans. 

We can assure you that these outcomes are achievable. Simply follow our six-week program, be patient, and persist a little. Utilize our support when needed, and we guarantee success.

Identify weaknesses

Click the link
to start the download.

6-Week Onboarding Program

With a Game-Inspired Approach

Our 6-week program for implementing Workanizers uses a board game-inspired approach to ensure that you will more easily adopt organizational tools.

Here, we are just getting acquainted with the program themes and the time we need to allocate to master them.

The 6-week program is located in the application in the ‘Get Started’ section.


  • Workanizers Toolbox
  • Company Settings
  • Activate Profit Leader and Top Manager.


  • Get to know Strategers tools.
  • Get to know Biz Modeler.
  • Separate the company’s Business Model.
  • Create a final Business Model.
  • Identify company goals.
  • Establish an Organizational Model.



  • Get to know Constructors tools.
  • Get to know the process structure.
  • Create a process.
  • Explore TaskPack in depth.
  • Recommendations for TaskPacks.
  • Apply checkpoints.
  • Recommendations for processes.
  • About Teamer tools.
  • Select Profit Leader.
  • Select Top Manager.
  • Select Process Managers.
  • Select Supervisors.
  • Consider incentives for management roles.
  • About Doers tools.
  • Start keeping records of Doers and profile them.
  • List the Worksites.
  • Consider an incentive program for Doers.
  • Establish the system of plans and reports.



  • Get to know Operators tools.
  • Set up for the first coordination in Arena.
  • Utilize the Arena Ready section to prepare TaskPacks.
  • Familiarize yourself with time sections: Upcoming, Tomorrow’s and Today’s.
  • Try communication in the Arena.
  • Recommendations for coordination.
  • Simulate coordination in Arena for one day.
  •  Get to know Problem Box.
  • Get to know HeadWay Box.
  • Get to know Incentive Box.
  • Get to know Report Box.


  • Get to know Neuro Calendars tools.
  • Set Re-Strategizer tool.
  • Set the Re-Constructor tool.
  • Set Start-Ops tool.


What Sets Workanizers Apart?

Workanizers tools are an excellent choice for addressing business organizational and managerial problems.

  • Partial vs. Comprehensive Organizational Solution: Most solutions on the market offer mere task/project management software and other partial solutions for organizing business. That’s just not enough. Business must be organized comprehensively. It is impossible otherwise. Workanizers offers comprehensive organizational solutions.
  • All-In-One Solution: With Workanizers, you benefit from a ready-made organizational framework, eliminating the need to start from scratch. It also includes 15 specialized tools, as well as how-to instructions that guide you through building and applying an efficient Management System.
  • High-level Support: Workanizers offers support that goes a step further. You can get assistance in setting up your management system, or experts can build it entirely for you.
  • Unique solutions: In Workanizers, you will find some unique solutions for organizing work. “Hub concept” of how to simplify the net of core processes. “TaskPack” is a way of grouping tasks so you can manage hundreds instead of thousands of tasks. “Problem Box” is an algorithm for quickly finding the causes of problems and solving them permanently without the need for disturbing meetings. “Dependencies” automatically creates a diagram of all the connected tasks in your entire business.
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