When and How to Transfer the Management of Your Company to a Professional Manager

The Founder’s Dilemma: Separating Ownership and CEO Roles

Starting a business from scratch and pouring your energy, money, and creativity into it is no easy feat. As a founder, you lead your company from the beginning, often with only a few employees, through the whirlwinds of challenges, problems, missed opportunities, and exploitation. Over the years, your company has changed and expanded its operations, but the whirlwind of challenges remains present, albeit in different forms. It’s perfectly normal for these challenges to persist in the business world.

However, there inevitably comes a moment when you, as the founder, begin to consider separating the two roles you represent: owner and CEO (Chief Executive Officer). This decision is one of the toughest you will have to make in your business journey. Statistically, founders are the best CEOs in the early stages of a company’s development. But as the business becomes more complex, they statistically no longer deliver the same level of performance as in the beginning.

In research that collected data from nearly 2,000 companies, it was concluded that founders perform at their best, on average, in the first 6 years of managing a company. Surprisingly short, isn’t it? Of course, this is just a statistical average, and the optimal time varies depending on the specific situation. But it’s during this time that you should start thinking about your successor as the CEO.

When to Consider a Professional Manager as CEO

It’s entirely normal that, at some point, you may want a professional manager to take over and run your company. This decision can be challenging because the company is your “child,” and you represent it, just as it represents you. This connection is deeply embedded in your ego, so separating yourself from the company can be painful and challenging. However, retiring from the CEO position doesn’t mean withdrawing from your work entirely. As the owner, you would now take on the role of the “board of directors,” overseeing the CEO. On the other hand, you may continue to be operationally active in areas where you have made the greatest contribution to the business, serving as active executors in a key segment of the business and/or as advisors.

Perhaps you have already attempted to delegate management to someone to some extent but were disappointed with the results. While it may be tempting to find a replacement for yourself in the CEO position who thinks and acts exactly like you, this approach is often insufficient. It’s important to recognize that such a person is almost impossible to find, and even if you do find them, there is a minimal chance that you can transfer your knowledge and wisdom “from one generation to another.”

The Transition to a Professional Manager: Three Critical Conditions

Hiring a professional manager is not enough to simply believe that you have found a capable person who will transform your business into a “magnificent” organizational model and continue exactly as it has been so far. No matter what they promise, in 99% of cases, it won’t happen, and you will be disappointed.

To ensure a successful transition, you need to meet three critical conditions:

  1. Building an Organizational Infrastructure: Every company is somehow organized, but it’s essential to have a somewhat established organizational system. Whether your organization is more or less organized, it’s crucial to have a simple way to “record” it and document it in an appropriate form that will be understandable to the future professional manager. This condition is easily achievable by building the so-called organizational infrastructure of your business, which serves as the anchor point of your organization.
  2. Translating Best Practices into the Organizational Infrastructure: To ensure continued success, you need to translate your best business and management experiences into your organizational infrastructure. This ensures that employees and managers will use your best practices and continue to achieve desired results. They will have an organizational infrastructure that allows them to improve processes and successfully adapt them to future conditions. This also applies to the new professional manager.
  3. Overcoming Personal Working Style Specificities: As a founder, you have developed specific working styles that may be deeply ingrained in your approach to running the business. However, it’s important to recognize extreme specificities in your personal working style that are impossible or unprofitable to transfer to others. Once identified, you need to eliminate or replace them with new processes and procedures that can effectively compensate for them. This presents significant challenges, as it requires self-reflection and a willingness to let go of certain aspects of your working style.

By meeting these three conditions, it becomes much easier and more certain that a new professional manager, or someone from your employees or family, can take over the management of the company. However, it’s important to note that thorough preparation is required for a successful transition.

Integrating Change into the Organizational Infrastructure

Integrating change into the organizational infrastructure is a crucial step in the transition process. If extreme specificities in your personal working style cannot be removed simply, they should be carefully analyzed and translated into new processes and procedures within your organizational platform. These new processes and procedures should be easily executable and well integrated with all other aspects of your organization that must inevitably be adapted to some extent due to this change.

Using Managerial Tools in a Successful Transition

Successfully building organizational infrastructure and transitioning to a professional manager can be facilitated by using management tools such as [Workanizers]. These tools can significantly facilitate and accelerate the fulfillment of the three critical conditions mentioned earlier. Additionally, they can promote effective organization and management within your company. By utilizing management tools, you can enhance productivity, streamline processes, and ensure a smooth transition to a new management structure.

[Workanizers] tools can inspire and motivate business people while promoting success in transitions. Furthermore, in case the new manager does not adapt well to the new role, the [Workanizers] organizational mechanism is robust enough to continue functioning independently and delivering results until a suitable successor to the founder-owner is identified for managing the company.

In conclusion, transitioning from managing your company is a significant decision that requires careful consideration and preparation. By recognizing the need for a professional manager, building a solid organizational infrastructure, translating best practices, overcoming personal working style specificities, and utilizing management tools like [Workanizers], you can ensure a successful transition and secure the future growth and success of your business.


The benefits of transferring management can vary depending on the specific circumstances and individuals involved.

  1. Time and Focus: Transferring management allows the owner to free up their time and focus on other aspects of their life or business. They can delegate day-to-day responsibilities to the new manager, giving them more time to strategize, explore new opportunities, or simply enjoy personal pursuits.
  2. Expertise and Skills: If the new manager possesses specific expertise or skills that the owner lacks, transferring management can bring fresh perspectives and capabilities to the business. This can lead to improved decision-making, operational efficiency, and overall performance.
  3. Work-Life Balance: By transferring management, the owner can achieve a better work-life balance. They can reduce stress and workload, allowing them to spend more time with family, pursue hobbies, or take vacations without constantly worrying about the business’s day-to-day operations.
  4. Growth and Expansion: A new manager may bring a different vision or approach to the business, which can lead to growth and expansion opportunities. They may have fresh ideas, industry connections, or the ability to tap into new markets, enabling the business to reach its full potential.
  5. Succession Planning: Transferring management can be part of a long-term succession plan. It allows the owner to groom a successor, ensuring a smooth transition when they eventually decide to retire or step away from the business. This can provide peace of mind and continuity for both the owner and the business.


1. When should I consider transferring the management of my company to a professional manager?

  • It is recommended to consider this transition when your company becomes more complex, and you feel that your performance as the CEO is no longer at its best. On average, founders perform at their best in the first 6 years of managing a company.

2. How do I separate my role as the owner and CEO of the company?

  • Retiring from the CEO position doesn’t mean withdrawing from your work entirely. As the owner, you can take on the role of the “board of directors,” overseeing the CEO. You may also continue to be operationally active in areas where you have made the greatest contribution to the business, serving as active executors in a key segment of the business and/or as advisors.

3. What are the critical conditions for a successful transition to a professional manager?

  • The three critical conditions are: building an organizational infrastructure, translating best practices into the organizational infrastructure, and overcoming personal working style specificities. These conditions ensure that the new manager can effectively take over and continue the success of the company.

4. How can I integrate change into the organizational infrastructure?

  • Extreme specificities in your personal working style should be carefully analyzed and translated into new processes and procedures within your organizational platform. These new processes and procedures should be easily executable and well integrated with all other aspects of your organization that must be adapted due to this change.

5. How can management tools like [Workanizers] help in the transition process?

  • Management tools like [Workanizers] can facilitate and accelerate the fulfillment of the critical conditions mentioned earlier. They can enhance productivity, streamline processes, and ensure a smooth transition to a new management structure. These tools can also continue functioning independently if the new manager does not adapt well to the role until a suitable successor is identified.

6. What should I consider before transferring the management of my company?

  • It is important to consider and prepare for the transition carefully. Recognize the need for a professional manager, build a solid organizational infrastructure, translate best practices, overcome personal working style specificities, and utilize management tools to ensure a successful transition and secure the future growth and success of your business.


This document aims to motivate managers to establish basic organizational infrastructure and manage daily operations within its framework while efficiently utilizing Workanizers‘ tools.

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Organizational Infrastructure

Organizational infrastructure represents the first half of your Management System. We use it as an infrastructure for the company’s daily operations.

Organizational infrastructure is comparable to a city’s extensive network of streets, squares, bridges, tunnels, signage, road markings, traffic lights, and driving regulations. Just as a city’s efficient traffic flow relies on well-designed and maintained infrastructure, smooth business operations depend on a robust organizational infrastructure.

Workanizers identify 7 core functions of organizational infrastructure and provide an initial structure, specialized tools and a blueprint to set it up.

  1. Business Model
  2. Goals
  3. Organizational Model
  4. Processes and Procedures
  5. Management Team
  6. Workforce Alignment
  7. Plans & Reports

In the first step, you will establish your own special organizational infrastructure.

Slash Work Time by 30%

Workanizers can help streamline your workflow, making it easier to manage and achieve your business goals more efficiently. 

However, you can be more ambitious and organize your work in such a way as to reduce the time required to complete work tasks by 30%. 

This will result in significant savings in terms of both money and resources. You can then allocate these savings towards business expansion or use them to reduce tension and consolidate your operations. 

Give it a try, and rely on us to guide you in achieving that success.

6-Week Onboarding Program

With a Game-Inspired Approach

Our 6-week program for implementing Workanizers uses a board game-inspired approach to ensure that you will more easily adopt organizational tools.

Here, we are just getting acquainted with the program themes and the time we need to allocate to master them.

The 6-week program is located in the app.workanizers.com application in the ‘Get Started’ section.


  • Workanizers Toolbox
  • Company Settings
  • Activate Profit Leader and Top Manager.


  • Get to know Strategers tools.
  • Get to know Biz Modeler.
  • Separate the company’s Business Model.
  • Create a final Business Model.
  • Identify company goals.
  • Establish an Organizational Model.



  • Get to know Constructors tools.
  • Get to know the process structure.
  • Create a process.
  • Explore TaskPack in depth.
  • Recommendations for TaskPacks.
  • Apply checkpoints.
  • Recommendations for processes.
  • About Teamer tools.
  • Select Profit Leader.
  • Select Top Manager.
  • Select Process Managers.
  • Select Supervisors.
  • Consider incentives for management roles.
  • About Doers tools.
  • Start keeping records of Doers and profile them.
  • List the Worksites.
  • Consider an incentive program for Doers.
  • Establish the system of plans and reports.



  • Get to know Operators tools.
  • Set up for the first coordination in Arena.
  • Utilize the Arena Ready section to prepare TaskPacks.
  • Familiarize yourself with time sections: Upcoming, Tomorrow’s and Today’s.
  • Try communication in the Arena.
  • Recommendations for coordination.
  • Simulate coordination in Arena for one day.
  •  Get to know Problem Box.
  • Get to know HeadWay Box.
  • Get to know Incentive Box.
  • Get to know Report Box.


  • Get to know Neuro Calendars tools.
  • Set Re-Strategizer tool.
  • Set the Re-Constructor tool.
  • Set Start-Ops tool.


We Can Guarantee Success

Phrases such as “effortless management,” “workflows glide smoothly and management feels like a breeze,” or “effortless workflows” are not just empty marketing slogans. 

We can assure you that these outcomes are achievable. Simply follow our six-week program, be patient, and persist a little. Utilize our support when needed, and we guarantee success.

What Sets Workanizers Apart?

Workanizers tools are an excellent choice for addressing business organizational and managerial problems.

  • Partial vs. Comprehensive Organizational Solution: Most solutions on the market offer mere task/project management software and other partial solutions for organizing business. That’s just not enough. Business must be organized comprehensively. It is impossible otherwise. Workanizers offers comprehensive organizational solutions.
  • All-In-One Solution: With Workanizers, you benefit from a ready-made organizational framework, eliminating the need to start from scratch. It also includes 15 specialized tools, as well as how-to instructions that guide you through building and applying an efficient Management System.
  • High-level Support: Workanizers offers support that goes a step further. You can get assistance in setting up your management system, or experts can build it entirely for you.
  • Unique solutions: In Workanizers, you will find some unique solutions for organizing work. “Hub concept” of how to simplify the net of core processes. “TaskPack” is a way of grouping tasks so you can manage hundreds instead of thousands of tasks. “Problem Box” is an algorithm for quickly finding the causes of problems and solving them permanently without the need for disturbing meetings. “Dependencies” automatically creates a diagram of all the connected tasks in your entire business.
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